A real fairy tale ending

I have a friend who's getting married and I thought about how she has looked for love in the past and how after many frogs-kissed, she finally found her prince. But not really. Because no one should have a prince to marry, and everyone should have the right person to marry.

No one is always a prince or a princess because no one is perfect, and neither is any marriage. And maybe that's a good thing. They say that after a bone breaks, it is stronger where the break occurred- and I think that's the same for struggles that we go through together. Whether it's in friendship or in love, when we are tested together and walk through the difficulty together, it is in the making it to the other side together that we find we are more in love for having survived and more appreciative for having had a partner by our side.

So I wish for my soon-to-be-married friend, not a perfect marriage, but a good marriage. A marriage where imperfection is acknowledged and appreciated, where no one is put on a pedestal, but is rather seen and loved for exactly who they are. I wish for my friend that when difficulties arise that she turns to her husband and he to her for strength and compassion and understanding that there will be times they will be less than their best, but that they will be supported nonetheless. I wish for my friend that she feels every day that she is wanted, that she is chosen by him, that she is the one for him. I wish for my friend not perfection but reality in all its mess and glory. Because to have a love that is real and strong and solid and delightful is the true fairy tale ending.

This is the life.


  1. You have revealed the secrets to a good marriage. If only we could all apply what we already know. These tips should be handed out to evry bride and groom, or put on a greeting card and sent to Blue Mountain Arts :)


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