I was talking to my daughter the other day about the end of 8th grade and comparing it to the start of high school. She recounted an award that her friends had gotten and she had not, and how it seemed like such a big deal to her at the time; but now, less than 4 months later, starting high school made that award seem insignificant.
I think we all have moments like that: where someone has something that we want and don't have, where we look at someone else's life and think they have everything together; but the truth is usually far from what we see outside. And likely, if we had the choice, knowing everything that happens behind closed doors, we would choose the life we have.
That's the funny thing about wanting what someone else has- you can't pick and choose. You don't know why they are where they are or why they have what they have, but it's likely not all it seems from the outside. So maybe instead of wanting what someone else has, you should look at what you do have, what you wouldn't give away, what you wouldn't leave behind. And in taking into account what's in your life, you may realize you are missing less than you think.
Lesson learned.
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