Forgiving yourself

I think forgiving yourself is one of the hardest things you can do. For not doing what you set out to do today, for not working out or giving to charity or being kinder or working harder. We have an idea in our mind abut what we should do and when we fail to do it, at all or a little, the voice inside our head can be merciless.

I think it's often easier to forgive other people than ourselves and that seems like such a shame. Allowing others to receive a softened heart and an open mind and allowing them to be who they are and not judging them for falling short is something we do with grace, with kindness. But it's not so easy to do for us.

And really, we should be kinder to ourselves than to others, we should be more forgiving of ourselves and more understanding because we know what we've been through. We should know that some days it will be easier to accomplish all on our to-do lists and some days more challenging, but showing up at all and being in it as much or as little as you can today is really all ok. Not every day needs to end with a checked-off list, not every day is a day that we will be as happy or as grateful as we could be, but every day that we are here and every day that we try again is worth not only our support, but our complete acceptance. It's ok to be imperfect, it's ok to make mistakes, it's ok to do things that may disappoint others, it's all ok. Because each of us is trying just the very best we can. It doesn't have to be be perfect. It just has to be.

Lesson learned.
