Social distancing to bring you closer

As we are doing our best to stay away from one another, as we are cooped up in our houses or our apartments, as we do our best to move away from others to keep the world safer, I think social distancing is also a tool to bring us closer. Not physically closer, mind you, but closer in the sense of really assessing who it is you want to spend time with when you are able.

If this pandemic has done anything, it has given me time to think. It has made it clear how the fact of being physically around others is important to me, to make me feel like I can show others how much I care, to make me feel like I am needed. As a true extrovert (someone who gains energy from those around them) being physically separated is difficult and draining emotionally, but it also makes clear those I want around me when this is over; those to whom I want to give my energy and those from whom I want to bask in theirs.

So often in life we spend time with people who take more than they give, from whom you leave  and feel exhausted. Maybe this is a time to reset. To take stock of the time you have left and to spend it with those you choose rather than feel obligated. Maybe social distancing will help us in the end to decide who it is we want to be close to and take steps when this is over to make it so.

Lesson learned.
