Remember to pause

Sometimes we are so caught up in how fast our lives are moving, that we forget to stop and pause. We forget to enjoy the moments in between the errands we are running, or the tasks we are doing at work, or the many things on our to do list at home. But giving ourselves a chance to stop and savor the moments between the rush can be calming and grounding. 

Some days there are many moments of joy, and some days there are many moments of sorrow. But most days have many moments mixed together - happiness, trepidation, excitement, boredom, fear; and in between each of those, are moments for us to pause and take a breath. 

What is always true, for many moments of every day, are those transitional times, those moments in between. So relish the happiness and try to take comfort that the strength of sadness you are feeling will not be here forever; and know that when you need to take a break, when you need to take a moment, take it, and breathe. The moments in between are what will steady us and give us strength and peace. Remember that every moment of our lives matters, including those in between. 

