Wrong decisions

 In my work, my clients have decisions to make: some smaller and some possibly life-changing; but it seems that no matter what the decision is, each person is afraid of making the wrong decision. The funny thing is, that in life there really are no wrong choices, just choices. Each may lead you down a different path, but that doesn't mean the path is wrong, just different. 

And because we cannot predict the future, this thought that can choose wrong is really a figment of our imagination. We have no idea where our life will lead. We have no idea how a small choice or a major life change can affect our life; we can think and we can hope, but we can never really know. 

So maybe next time you are agonizing over which road to take, just take one step down that path and then another after. And know that whatever you encounter and wherever you may go, there will be more decisions and paths ahead. Some may lead you very far from where you thought you would be, and others may lead you back to where you started. But none of them is wrong, and none of them is bad. So go, and see what happens next, and know that you will be ok, no matter what. 

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