Losing sight of what we have

So much of our lives can be spent waiting for the next thing to happen, that we often lose sight of what it is we do have. We are so busy planning or wishing for our next move or next job or next love, that we forget to stop and look and think about what is in our lives, rather than what's missing.

And so much of our life may be wasted on wondering what's coming next, that we forget how quickly life moves. Those moments of just contentment or joy in being where you are and loving it. Those times of being fully present and not worrying about what's to come. And it's in those moments where we are truly invested in our lives, that make the memories we will hold so dear later.

Because the truth is we don't know what's next. We don't know how long we have or how long our loved ones are here. We don't know the end of the story or even the beginning of the next chapter. And it's exactly because we don't know, that we should treasure what's here. Because our moments wondering what could be or may be or should be, have us lose sight of the wonder that's right here now.

