We're more alike than you may think

It's easy to look at someone and make assumptions about their life; we all do it. We all think that what we see in public or online or what we hear from others is the truth, but none of us know what happens or has happened without really sitting down and getting to know someone and hear their story: where they are now and what it took to get there. And while we may think that other people's lives are so different from our own, I think there is actually more of a common thread than we may realize.

Because at some point, when you are in your 30s or 40s or beyond, we have all had great joys and terrible moments. We have all experienced disappointment and anger and betrayal; we have all experienced love and elation and excitement. It may not be the same circumstance, and some of the past experiences may be more severe than others, but the emotions are there and those are universal.

So when thinking that someone else may have it easy or may have the perfect life, know that's not only untrue, but it's likely that someone else thinks that way of you. Know that behind the facade that someone shows each day, is a history of struggle and happiness, of great times but also tragedy. Know that while you may wish you were someone else or had something more than you do, the truth is that you may not, if you knew the past you had to go through to get there. Know that where you are now is the culmination of where you have been, and where you go from here is totally up to you. 

Lesson learned.


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