Being mad on vacation

As the summer vacation season starts, I'm reminded of a vacation with my family last year, and on the last full day of our time out of town, I was in a foul mood. I was angry and upset, but mostly sad, about the fact that we had had such a wonderful time together, and it was going to end. So on the morning of the last day, I was taking time out of enjoying what was in front of me, and thinking about having to leave. And then it dawned on me, that ruining my last day of vacation by being mad that it was the last day of vacation, was me not being in the present moment, and most importantly, not being grateful. 

Not being grateful for what was happening right. this. minute. Not being grateful for the ability to be out of town with family. Not being grateful for the times we were having and the memories we were making. It also made me blind to what I'm grateful for when I'm at home. For the routine I crave, for the space I've made, for the friends and work and place I've chosen to live my life.

So while it may seem to be easy to be grateful for beautiful places and wonderful times, a change in perspective can change what should be. Being sad on that last day out of town, removes what is and replaces what is with what will come. Trying to live in the present moment is something I struggle with, even, it seems, when on vacation. But recognizing what I was doing, and trying to stop myself from the habit of not being present, was a learning moment in itself. 

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