Going with the flow

 "Going with the flow" has never been my strong suit. Most of the time, it's not even in my vocabulary as a phrase I use to describe anything, especially myself. But there are times when I put down my shield and my sword and I take in what is happening and just go with it. Those times are not often, but they probably need to be more frequent, because in putting down any effort or angst, the possibilities and experiences usually wind up being more than I could have hoped. 

I was watching a hawk fly between apartment and office buildings the other day, and while there were times the hawk used his wings to move, more often than not, he just glided along. Glided and guided only by the wind and pointing himself the way he wanted to go. He used the wind, not his effort, to get him where he wanted to go; and, it seemed to me, to be quite content and happy doing so. 

So maybe we need to do more gliding. We need to have a sense of where we are going, but not push too much or work too hard. Maybe in being guided by the winds and others around us, we can get where it is we want, but enjoy the trip a little more along the way. Maybe in the putting down of our strength and will to try to get people or problems to bend as we think we want them to, we can wait and see what happens, and see how things play out and where we may be led. Maybe in gliding more and flying less, we can enjoy our life and our circumstances just a little more fully. 

